I have always been a fan of orange juice. I have been forced to pay $8 for this orange juice due to outrageous dining hall prices at my college and I picked it up because they ran out of tropicana. But I must say, I am not going back to Tropicana after I tried this stuff out. I wonder if it's Ralphs, because I know I never noticed it before. It tastes like Odwalla orange juice which I would use to get from Starbucks when I had a craving for yummy orange juice during those long days of cramming at Barnes and Noble in high school. I don't know if I can go back to drinking regular nonorganic orange juice now! The organic stuff is just so...good! It's sweet and it's natural and my tastebuds are just saying "more more more!"
I bring you this post out of restlessness and procrastination. I am behind in my homework and pretty much screwed myself over as far as school goes. But no, I must keep going, keep my head by high, and keep trying! Maybe, just maybe, I can dig myself out of this rut. I have much calculus, reading, and writing to do!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
I Love Orange Juice
<3 cotton candy annie at 5:54 PM 0 candy hearts
Friday, April 20, 2007
Say Hi To My New Buddy: The Palm Zire31
So this is my new buddy, the PalmZire31. Isn't he cute? I've been wanting a PDA for about 2 years but they all seemed way too expensive (especially, back when i was a student with no job income at all, now I'm a student with a small paying job. :P ). Last week, my hungering for a PDA came back full force because I felt that it'd be so much more convenient if I had a cute little PDA that had my schedule instead of lugging around my paper planner everywhere. I am a chronic list maker and I always write myself little notes on random scraps of paper and post it notes. Now that I have my PDA, I just jot down notes in that (ah, the invention of Graffiti 2 so software can recognize handwriting and convert it into digital characters) and then I'm set! No more scrounging around for little scraps of paper for information that i might need in the future.
The Zire31 is fairly simple and relatively cheap compared to other Palm products. No WiFi which is a bummer. I like how it's blue and white, has a bright color screen, and oh so cute and not a boring black businessmanlike machine. I might have been wiser to get a Z22, but oh well. My Zire31 does what I want it too. :) It keeps my contacts, schedule, my many to-do lists, memos, and notes. I also doodle on the notepad when I'm bored in class. And I can easily see what time it is in Taiwan with one touch of my stylus if I feel like. Not very important, but nice to know. :)
Aside from that, I am swamped with work to catch up on! This is going to be a looong and boring weekend for me! I slacked off way too much these first few weeks of school and I am dearly paying for it now! I have to finish my abortion paper, calculus homework and start studying for my midterm next wednesday, read 3 plays for theatre and film (they're not short plays either), and I think I'm in for about another 300 pages of reading.
<3 cotton candy annie at 7:05 PM 0 candy hearts
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Look ma! My first pair(s) of earrings!
Anyways, fast forward to now. Today and this past weekend I bought my first pairs of earrings! The first pair I bought was at Nordstrom's while I was browsing the BP section. I saw the ice creams and I thought "adorable!" I must say that I am sucker for cute things. And green polished stone danglies and sterling silver heart-in-a-box earrings are two pairs that I bought today at my school's vendor fair which is here for the week. There was the cutest little booth that was selling jewelry. I forgot the name (I will check it out tomorrow and make and edit!) of the booth but the lady selling the jewelry was also the one that crafted them all. I like that my earrings were handmade instead of some mass-produced crap. When I got back, I cleaned them and wore my green danglies and received many nice compliments. :)
Just thought I'd share my earring acquisitions with y'all!
BY THE WAY - starting from now I will try to bring you more interesting posts (well at least not bland posts where all i do is post up pictures of what i want and not say anything else besides what it is and the price. :P) and update daily. :) Just FYI!
<3 cotton candy annie at 1:23 AM 0 candy hearts