Thursday, April 19, 2007

Look ma! My first pair(s) of earrings!

So I got my ears pierced a few months was Martin Luther King Jr. weekend and there was no school. My friend had promised to take me to get my ears pierced months before. She finally made good on her promise that Monday when we didn't have school. I admit, I was a little scared. I waited so long to get my ears pierced, I started psyching myself out! My boyfriend was down for the weekend as well and got my ear piercing experience on video. Pretty funny. After the first piercing, I was like "Oh, that's it?" My experience was surprisingly quick and painless at the Claire's offshoot store ICING at the local mall near my college. Part of my apprehension was due to this because I wasn't sure if I could trust young Claire's employees to pierce my ears. I had wanted to go to a professional piercing place. I heard horror stores about them piercing it sideways and ripped earlobes due to kids turning their head at the last second. But my friend wasn't worried at all about that. I got the most expensive earrings they offered - the 14 Karat 5 mm White Gold Studs - since most of their offerings were shrimpy and small. I was afraid that they would droop on my ears because there was an older lady who got her ears pierced just before I did who asked for the same ones and they appeared to droop due to the weight and size. Luckily, they looked just fine and my ear piercing experience was a success! Finally, many years after the promised 10th birthday ear piercing present that was never given to me by my mother, I had pierced ears!

Anyways, fast forward to now. Today and this past weekend I bought my first pairs of earrings! The first pair I bought was at Nordstrom's while I was browsing the BP section. I saw the ice creams and I thought "adorable!" I must say that I am sucker for cute things. And green polished stone danglies and sterling silver heart-in-a-box earrings are two pairs that I bought today at my school's vendor fair which is here for the week. There was the cutest little booth that was selling jewelry. I forgot the name (I will check it out tomorrow and make and edit!) of the booth but the lady selling the jewelry was also the one that crafted them all. I like that my earrings were handmade instead of some mass-produced crap. When I got back, I cleaned them and wore my green danglies and received many nice compliments. :)

Just thought I'd share my earring acquisitions with y'all!

BY THE WAY - starting from now I will try to bring you more interesting posts (well at least not bland posts where all i do is post up pictures of what i want and not say anything else besides what it is and the price. :P) and update daily. :) Just FYI!

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