Saturday, April 21, 2007

I Love Orange Juice

I have always been a fan of orange juice. I have been forced to pay $8 for this orange juice due to outrageous dining hall prices at my college and I picked it up because they ran out of tropicana. But I must say, I am not going back to Tropicana after I tried this stuff out. I wonder if it's Ralphs, because I know I never noticed it before. It tastes like Odwalla orange juice which I would use to get from Starbucks when I had a craving for yummy orange juice during those long days of cramming at Barnes and Noble in high school. I don't know if I can go back to drinking regular nonorganic orange juice now! The organic stuff is just so...good! It's sweet and it's natural and my tastebuds are just saying "more more more!"

I bring you this post out of restlessness and procrastination. I am behind in my homework and pretty much screwed myself over as far as school goes. But no, I must keep going, keep my head by high, and keep trying! Maybe, just maybe, I can dig myself out of this rut. I have much calculus, reading, and writing to do!

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